If you’re an adult struggling to cope with ADHD, everyday life can present you with various challenges. You may have difficulty managing work and personal relationships, meeting demands at work and at home, as well as taking care of your own health and well-being. If you’re in need of some tips to help you manage daily life with your ADHD,...[ read more ]
When a friend or loved one suffers from anxiety, it can be intimidating or frustrating trying to help them cope. Panic and anxiety attacks can leave the anxiety sufferer feeling any number of symptoms, and you may feel helpless and unable to support them. Here are some tips to help you manage a loved one’s anxiety.ListenLet your loved one know...[ read more ]
Most of us won’t get through life without our own fair share of stress and heartache. But some people experience not just stress, sadness or grief, but actual trauma. This can be from events like being involved in a bad car accident, rape, a natural disaster, or war.The result of experiencing such events is called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a...[ read more ]
There was a time when young kids went to school, came home and did a little homework, then went outside to play with their friends. Their schedules were open and easy for them to handle.Nowadays, more and more young kids are involved in so many activities they don’t seem to have time to play in the backyard. On top of...[ read more ]
They are beloved by children everywhere and a thorn in the paw of many teachers and parents. Fidget spinners have been flying off store shelves in recent years, touted as a gadget that can help reduce anxiety and treat symptoms of ADHD in young children. But are fidget spinners everything they’re cracked up to be?So do fidget spinners really offer...[ read more ]
Today, awareness of autism is at an all-time high. As an adult, you may look back on your childhood and realize that you've possibly had an autism diagnosis overlooked. If you're a parent, you may have come to realizations about yourself after observing behaviors in your child. However you've come to notice the signs, you may suspect that you have...[ read more ]
“What’s wrong with me?” - a question that people with mental health problems oftentimes ask themselves, but have trouble answering correctly. When it comes to mental health, it’s not always clear what issue clients are REALLY dealing with. Some people think they have ADHD because they have trouble focusing on things or feel restless or indecisive. In other cases, they...[ read more ]
It's not easy being a parent - especially if you are a parent of a child with AD/HD. Most kids seem programmed to give you a run for your money in some form or fashion. There are literally hundreds of techniques that parents use to raise their kids. However, there are four components that lay the foundation for effective parenting....[ read more ]