Do I Have ADHD, Anxiety or Depression (or Maybe All Three)?

“What’s wrong with me?” – a question that people with mental health problems oftentimes ask themselves, but have trouble answering correctly.  When it comes to mental health, it’s not always clear what issue clients are REALLY dealing with.  Some people think they have ADHD because they have trouble focusing on things or feel restless or indecisive.  In other cases, they believe that anxiety is the culprit because “That’s what was wrong with my mom and so I come by it honestly.” A tried, but not necessarily true, method of figuring out what’s wrong is to Google your problem.  The tricky thing about mental health disorders like AD/HD, anxiety and depression, however, is that they share many of the same symptoms and identifying the true culprit on Google isn’t so clear-cut.

Part of the answer to the question “What’s wrong with me?” has to do with history.  In other words, do you have history of displaying symptoms or behaviors that are characteristic of a particular problem?  Anxiety is a fear-and-avoidance-based problem that may be manifested as separation anxiety/school phobia as a child and social anxiety and worry as one grows older.  Depression is a mood-based problem that negatively affects motivation, self-esteem, one’s outlook on things and relationships.  AD/HD is a neuropsychological problem that “zaps” a person’s ability to think, attend, remember, organize, inhibit their impulses and/or make decisions (i.e., difficulty with executive functions).

Family history/genetics may also play a role.  It’s common for parents of child and adolescent clients to say, “Man, I was just like my son when I was his age.”  Even if a client – child or adult – does not display the identical symptoms or behaviors as their parents or extended family members there is oftentimes some kind of history of mental illness/problems within the family.

So here’s the bottom line when trying to figure out “what’s wrong with me:”  The problem COULD be ADHD, but since there is so much overlap between problems like ADHD, anxiety and depression it usually takes a skilled clinician to pinpoint the real problem.  This is where Dr. Quarto comes into play.  Not only he a skilled diagnostician (, he develops practical and “doable” game plans – quickly – to help clients deal with their problems – regardless of the diagnosis.

If you are considering contacting Dr. Quarto to undergo a psychological evaluation, but are unsure what kind of problem you should be evaluated for here’s a good starting point:

If you’re wondering how Dr. Quarto tests people for ADHD and other mental health conditions online check out this blog post:

Dr. Quarto conducts in-person and telehealth evaluations with clients nationwide .  Don’t put this off any longer…figure out what the problem is and what you can do about by scheduling an appointment today! ( or 615-403-5227).


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(615) 403-5227

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