Homework Rubric to Stop Homework Battles!

Are you a parent who struggles to get your kid to do their homework?  Do you have “tug-of-war” battles and find yourself at the “short end of the rope?”  If so, you might consider giving the homework rubric a try.  It’s a nifty little technique that can be used with elementary and middle school-aged kids.

Kids are rated in three areas by the parent after they complete their homework for the day (alternatively the parent can rate their child once a week based on how well things have gone homework-wise that week):  1) effort, 2) attitude and 3) quality of work product. The parent rates each area as a 2 (target), 1 (acceptable) or 0 (unacceptable) depending on the child’s level of success in meeting parent expectations as outlined in the rubric:

The number of points earned would determine the number of privileges the child earned that day (or week):

1) a low number of points would earn the child very few privileges.

2) A medium number of points would earn the child more privileges, but not the amount they would typically be awarded.

3) Finally, a higher number of points would earn the child their normal level of privileges.  Essentially, this system works similarly to someone who works on commission – they don’t get paid unless they “produce.”

In some cases, it helps to change things up from time to time with regard to types of privileges that are being earned on a particular day or week.  Perhaps one day (or week) your child will work toward earning their video game playing privilege while another day (or week) they will work on earning the privilege to play outside with friends.  The key is to use privileges that are motivating to your child.  Do a little experimenting and see how this works for you! : )

Christopher Quarto, Ph.D., PLLC is a licensed psychologist.  Do you suspect that you have Attention Deficit Disorder?  Dr. Quarto provides quick & convenient in-person and telehealth psychological evaluations to clients nationwide.  Click here for details.

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