General Information

“So what is psychological testing anyway?”

Great question!  Psychological testing provides a way to help people learn and answer questions about their personalities, behavior, abilities, and learning difficulties. Clients and healthcare professionals frequently contact me to conduct psychological evaluations because I provide a superior quality product based on years of honing my craft. I consistently schedule clients for testing within a week of the phone call and provide clients with comprehensive written reports within two to five days following their appointments.  My reports are

  • easy to understand,
  • customized and
  • always contain practical recommendations.

Clients not only feel confident about the information I provide to them, but feel very comfortable throughout the process given that I am down-to-earth and personable. : )

I believe in working as part of a team so, with the client’s permission, physicians, mental health professionals, supervisors, teachers, etc. are contacted after I conduct evaluations to share with them treatment plans and recommendations to help clients heal and reach their maximum potentials.

Psychological testing services are provided IN-PERSON or via TELEHEALTH TO CLIENTS NATIONWIDE to evaluate for conditions such as:

  • Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (older adolescents & adults only)
  • Learning disabilities (e.g., dyslexia/reading disorders; dyscalculia/math disorders; dysgraphia/writing disorders);
  • Anxiety (e.g., Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia)
  • Mood disorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder)
  • Relationship problems

"Do you conduct court-ordered mental health evaluations or evaluations that are required by the Department of Children's Services (DCS)?"

No.  There are other psychologists in the Murfreesboro and Nashville communities that conduct these types of evaluations.

“What are the ages of clients that you test?”

I provide in-person evaluations to children who are at least 8-years-old.  I provide in-person and telehealth evaluations to adolescents & adults for all conditions above except for learning disabilities, which must be done in person.

Many years ago conventional wisdom had it that children outgrew ADD or AD/HD once they reached adolescence.  Research has shown, however, that 40 – 50% of these individuals continue to struggle with their symptoms into adulthood.  Starting in the early 1990s, I was the first psychologist in my community to evaluate adults for ADD & AD/HD and have continued to offer this service to this day.  This is my area of specialization as is adult Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

“So how do TELEHEALTH psychological evaluations work anyway?”

Given that I possess the PSYPACT credential clients who reside in most states may elect to complete a TELEHEALTH psychological evaluation (  This involves talking to me on a HIPAA-secure video platform where I obtain information about their current problems as well as their family, school and relationship histories.  Throughout this process I strive to connect with clients on an emotional level so they know they’ve been heard and understood; it’s my job to earn their trust and forge a strong working alliance.  Following the interview, clients complete a series of psychological tests on the websites of test publishing companies that I work with – also HIPAA-secure.  I monitor and interact with them in a separate window of their browser as they complete the tests.  The evaluation is completed in one appointment.  The process is simple, flexible and convenient! : )

“Does insurance cover the costs of psychological evaluations?”

I no longer accept insurance to cover the costs of psychological evaluations. are some things to consider:

  • I can provide you with a “superbill” (i.e., a special receipt for services) that you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement of services rendered.
  • Also, you may have an FSA/HSA card through your company or organization that you can use for this purpose.

“So what are the advantages of having you do a psychological evaluation?  Can't I just go to some other psychologist and have them do the same thing?”

Psychological evaluations are a great way to learn about yourself and come up with game plans to help you get from where you are to where you’d like to be!  Not all psychologists conduct psychological evaluations, but it's my area of specialization - sort of like seeing a cardiologist if you had a heart problem.

Here are the advantages of scheduling an appointment with me:

  • I can schedule you an appointment within a reasonable period of time after you contact me (you'll have to wait up to six months at other practices).  I offer a "premium appointment scheduling" option if you need to schedule an appointment within a shorter period of time (which includes a comprehensive written report with diagnosis following your appointment).  (Note:  There is an additional fee for this option.  Contact me for details -
  • You only have to come to one appointment to complete the psychological evaluation process (other psychologists schedule up to three appointments).
  • You'll get your psychological evaluation report within a week following the appointment. (other psychologists don't complete their reports for a month or two)  : )

Give me a call or send me an e-mail if you’d like more information or feel a little uneasy about the psychological evaluation process.  I’d like to make this as smooth, comfortable and convenient a process for you as possible. Remember, you're an assessment away from a brighter tomorrow! : )

615-403-5227 or


209 Castlewood Drive Suite D
Murfreesboro, TN. 37129
(615) 403-5227

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