
5 Clues That You Might Have ADHD

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?”  Do you picture someone who is flustered and frantically looking for her car keys?  Maybe you see a little boy climbing on his teacher’s desk and screaming like Tarzan as he launches himself on to the floor.  Although such behaviors are characteristic of some children and...[ read more ]

Focus-on-One Technique for Adult ADHD

When you think about all the things that need to be accomplished in a day it can feel overwhelming.  There never seems to be enough time to get things done!  Some people feel defeated and go on plodding through the day hoping to keep their heads above water.  This is especially the case for adults with ADHD.  Most people don’t...[ read more ]

Procrastination Solutions for AD/HD Kids

Oftentimes, kids procrastinate when they feel as though “the bar has been set too high” to accomplish a task - even when that’s not really the case.  Many parents find themselves getting into “tugs of war” with their kids - parents trying to coax their kids to get to work and kids resisting their efforts and perhaps whining and complaining...[ read more ]

209 Castlewood Drive Suite D
Murfreesboro, TN. 37129
(615) 403-5227

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