
5 Tricks to Managing Your Everyday ADHD

If you’re an adult struggling to cope with ADHD, everyday life can present you with various challenges. You may have difficulty managing work and personal relationships, meeting demands at work and at home, as well as taking care of your own health and well-being. If you’re in need of some tips to help you manage daily life with your ADHD,...[ read more ]

Do I Have ADHD, Anxiety or Depression (or Maybe All Three)?

“What’s wrong with me?” - a question that people with mental health problems oftentimes ask themselves, but have trouble answering correctly.  When it comes to mental health, it’s not always clear what issue clients are REALLY dealing with.  Some people think they have ADHD because they have trouble focusing on things or feel restless or indecisive.  In other cases, they...[ read more ]

4 Essentials of Effective Parenting

It's not easy being a parent - especially if you are a parent of a child with AD/HD. Most kids seem programmed to give you a run for your money in some form or fashion. There are literally hundreds of techniques that parents use to raise their kids. However, there are four components that lay the foundation for effective parenting....[ read more ]

Prioritizing with AD/HD: Part 1

Let's face it - sometimes you just don't feel like doing certain things that need to get done. Other times you may feel motivated to do things, "but where do I start?!" For many people there's an internal tug-of-war that happens: do I do what's fun or interesting OR should I do what's important? For people with AD/HD the fun...[ read more ]

Re-set & Re-start: A 60-Second Technique to Manage AD/HD Frustration & Distractibility

How many times have you started on a task and “pooped out” half-way through?  Half-finished tasks or projects may be part and parcel to who you are as a person.  Maybe a bigger problem is sticking your foot in your mouth when talking to people or difficulty staying focused on things.  Any of these things may make you feel frustrated,...[ read more ]

Homework Rubric to Stop Homework Battles!

Are you a parent who struggles to get your kid to do their homework?  Do you have “tug-of-war” battles and find yourself at the “short end of the rope?”  If so, you might consider giving the homework rubric a try.  It’s a nifty little technique that can be used with elementary and middle school-aged kids. Kids are rated in three...[ read more ]

5 Clues That You Might Have ADHD

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?”  Do you picture someone who is flustered and frantically looking for her car keys?  Maybe you see a little boy climbing on his teacher’s desk and screaming like Tarzan as he launches himself on to the floor.  Although such behaviors are characteristic of some children and...[ read more ]

Help with ADHD Hyperfocus

How many times have you found yourself entranced by a good movie or book only to be surprised by how much time has passed when you reach the end? It’s at that moment that you realize the world has gone on without you for that short period of time and it’s not very appealing to get back on the “merry-go-round...[ read more ]

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Murfreesboro, TN. 37129
(615) 403-5227

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