Testing for Learning Disabilities

Psychological Testing for a Learning Disability in Tennessee

“My child mixes up his bs and ds. Does he have dyslexia?”

“Math has never made much sense to me – and now I have to take a college admissions test that has math problems. I don’t know what I’m gonna do!”

“My daughter’s teacher has noticed that she can’t translate words from her head on to paper. I’m wondering if she has some kind of learning disability.”

It’s frustrating for students and parents alike to deal with these types of learning challenges. For some reason, the brain just doesn’t want to work in a way to make learning a straight-forward process. Students get stuck, can’t remember things or simply can’t process information quickly and efficiently. It’s no wonder that they feel frustrated and want nothing to do with learning tasks! As a parent or caregiver, it can be heartbreaking to see your child struggle like this…maybe you experienced similar struggles when you were their age.

Maybe something has happened to prompt you to call me to schedule an appointment for you or your child. Perhaps your child keeps earning poor grades on homework assignments or tests. Or maybe they are a high school student and it’s time for them to take the ACT or SAT and you’re concerned about how well they’ll do on the test if they don’t have test accommodations. Whatever the case, you decided that the time is ripe for a learning disability evaluation. I’m glad that you’re considering having me conduct the evaluation as I’ve conducted hundreds of evaluations of public and private school students – children, adolescents and adults – for 30+ years and have become quite proficient at pinpointing problems and designing customized solutions to address learning challenges.

What’s involved in being evaluated for a learning disability?

The nice thing about having me evaluate you (or your child) for a learning disability is that it’s a simple and quick process – meaning one appointment – that’s it! Here’s what’s involved:

  1. I will send you a link from my electronic health record system to complete the registration and history forms, which you will complete prior to your appointment. With your permission, I will contact your child’s teacher so they can provide me with information regarding their perceptions of your child in the classroom.
  2. Appointment day: I will interview you (or you and your child) – meaning that I will ask you what’s been happening that made you decide to be evaluated for a learning disability (or for your child to be evaluated) and find out about your (or your child’s) developmental and educational background (i.e., progress in achieving developmental milestones; early indicators of learning problems; current learning problems; interventions that have been used thus far to address problems and their level of effectiveness). Then I will have you (or your child) take a series of psychological tests – two of which are an intelligence test and academic achievement test. The appointment normally lasts 2 to 3 hours. I will review my preliminary findings with you at the end of the appointment.
  3. Three to five days later I will upload your report to a secure/encrypted website and e-mail you directions on how to access it. The report will include the background information; my observations of you (or your child) during the interview and test session; test results; and summary, diagnosis and educational recommendations (including things you can do at home if your child is evaluated as well as things that the teacher and resource teacher can do at school).

So…what are you waiting for? Give me a call at (615) 403-5227 to get the ball rolling. You’re an assessment away from a brighter tomorrow! : )

209 Castlewood Drive Suite D
Murfreesboro, TN. 37129

(615) 403-5227

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